Thursday, January 20, 2011

Project Pound Loss: Week 2 and we're still friends

The second week of Weight Watchers was a bit more challenging for me because that silly thing called life got in the way.  I was really busy.  But I noticed a few things along the way ...

The longer I stay away from sugar, the less I want it.  My mid-afternoon chocolate craving is almost gone.  GOOD.  I fall into old habits very easily.  I need to be on my game or I will eat too much, of the wrong stuff, and then eat too much again.  BAD.  I take advantage of every possible excuse to get off track.  Oh, I'm busy so I need to grab something quick (read: carbohydrate-y, probably deep-fried-y, greasy, goodness!)  BAD.  If I really want to change my  body and change my life, I cannot drink beer.  Seriously, not at all.  There is nothing redeeming about beer in terms of value to the body.  So it's apparently just another habit I need to break.  BAD.  If I am not focused, I do not stay on the program.  BAD.  If I really put my mind to it, I can find a little time in my busy schedule to exercise, at least a couple of times.  GOOD.

I lost 2.6 pounds in week 2.  I'm only a few pounds from my first goal (and my first reward). 

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